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What To Do When Business Growth Slows

Written by Eye on Books | 01/08/2019 7:03:00 AM

Stagnation is a part of doing business. Where there are ups, there must be downs; so if you've been at the head of a successful business and find yourself faced with slowed growth, there's no need for concern. It's essential that you pinpoint the root cause of your business' failure to advance; but oftentimes, creating and implementing a solution is far easier than you'd suspect.

Below, we've covered four common reasons that business experience lulls in growth. Read on to find out more about common culprits and excellent tips and tricks for improving business prospects, profits, and morale.

The Causes of Business Growth Slowdowns

A need for improved collaboration

Doing business successfully is all about understanding how and when to collaborate. Leveraging other's talents to elevate your brand and heighten your business' offerings is an opportunity that should never be missed. Many business owners fear collaboration because they're hesitant to release control, but the fact of the matter is that you're setting yourself up for burnout if you refuse to accept help.

Businesses practices that are outdated, impractical, or inefficient 

Some business owners fail to keep pace with the growth of their companies. As your business grows and evolves, you'll need to work to keep your business operations on pace with the advancement. Holding onto work processes from your business' early days (like using software that's too basic or keeping poor track of ledgers) is a surefire way to grind your company to a halt.

Underdeveloped branding

Brand storytelling and awareness are critical components to making a profit in the world of business. In fact, 92% of consumers have reported that they want brands to deliver marketing content that tells a story. Business owners oftentimes overlook the work that comes into branding after coming up with a clever business name and logo. In many cases, these leaders fail to create a culture centred around their products, services, and brand. 

Lack of realistic goals

Whether they're short- or long-term, goals are essential to improvement. You'll be hard-pressed to assess the success of your efforts if you haven't got any goals to measure them against. All too often, business owners fail to set realistic goals for both the near and distant future. Dreams alone will not promote or sustain positive growth; but it's incredibly common for business owners to rely on unrealistic or abstract goals too heavily. 

Steps To Take When Business Growth Begins to Slow

Learn to delegate

If you're trying to handle everything that goes into doing business on your own, you're going to struggle to meet growth goals and sustain a healthy business. Whether it means opening up to collaboration, hiring on a few helping hands for menial tasks, or taking better advantage of the staff you've already got on hand, learning how to delegate and share responsibilities is essential to avoiding burnout and keeping your business growing.

Improve your marketing knowledge

If you haven't got the time to spare to learn the ins and outs of marketing, you can always hire on a specialist or look to a contractor for help improving your marketing game. No matter who's pouring effort into marketing for your brand, time spent on increasing brand awareness and strength is always time well-spent.

If you do have the time to brush up on your knowledge and skills, it's always worth educating yourself on marketing best practices. There are a number of simple, intuitive ways to improve your business' visibility and increase consumer interaction. Things like inbound and outbound marketing can make all the difference for a business whose growth has come to a halt. 

Get blogging

Creating content is an excellent way to drive traffic to the areas of your website where you want it the most. If you've got a knack for writing (or the funds to spare to pay somebody who does), look into creating a blog for your brand. It can live on the business website or have its own space on the internet; but either way, it'll be a great way to leverage tools like backlinks and increase reader engagement. 

Writing up a blog is also an ideal means of positioning yourself as an expert or authority in your niche. Regardless of what products or services you're selling, customers and clients are more likely to trust you if you appear knowledgeable about your industry.

Work on personal development

This includes you, too! Invest some time and money into developing yourself and your staff members. Depending on your industry, this could mean a host of things. If you hand-craft sustainable slow fashion pieces, consider paying for your staff to attend workshops and other events to sharpen their skills. Focused on customer service or entrenches in the world of B2B sales? Look for seminars about the art of the sale or improving confidence. 

No matter why your business experiences slow periods of growth, there are always a number of steps that you can take to combat the downturn in profits. The best part of doing business is the knowledge that there's always room for improvement-- and best of all, the opportunities to achieve it are often right at your fingertips.